Experienced Advocates For Workers With Burn Injuries
Serving Camden County And Southern New Jersey
There may not be any injury more painful than a burn injury. In addition to the physical pain and scarring resulting from being burned, the psychological scars can last a lifetime. If you have suffered a work-related burn injury in New Jersey, it is important to understand and exercise your rights.
The first step to maximizing your wage loss and medical benefits is speaking to a knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer. At the law firm of Fishman & Fishman, LLC, we take pride in our ability to help burn victims and their families recover and put their lives back together.
Don’t get hurt twice. Hire the right attorney. We will be your personal advocate from day one and make sure your long-term interests are served. Call us toll free at 888-339-7675 for a free consultation.
Compensation For Burn Injuries
If your burn injury is work-related, workers’ compensation can provide you with wage loss and medical benefits. If a third party is responsible for your injury, we can pursue a personal injury claim for pain and suffering, medical costs, lost wages and additional damages you have suffered.
Treatment For Burn Injuries
Medical advancements have been made in recent years that allow doctors to more effectively prevent and reduce scarring, allowing burn injury victims to move forward without a physical reminder of the injury. We will work to make sure you receive the best care possible for your injuries and have the support of dedicated rehabilitation professionals.
We understand how traumatic it can be if you have suffered scarring from a burn. We will make sure you are fully compensated for the physical and psychological damage that has been done and prevent the insurance companies from hurting you a second time.
Schedule A Consultation Today
Our attorneys are ready to help. Call us toll free at 888-339-7675 or contact us by submitting our online form. From our offices in Lawnside and Hammonton, we represent burn injury victims throughout New Jersey, including Cherry Hill and surrounding communities of Camden County.