While anybody in South Jersey can suffer serious injury from an attacking dog, children are the most vulnerable. The average-sized adult stands a better chance of fighting off a large dog than a young boy or girl whom the dog might outweigh. According to the CDC, most...
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Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965
Animal Bites
Sometimes dogs and children do not mix
Children and dogs may seem like perfect companions, but this is not always the case. Dogs -- even animals that you know and seem friendly -- can lash out and bite. Children are especially vulnerable to dog bites, and they can suffer significant injuries as a result....
Dozens exposed to rabies after animal bites
A rabid kitten has exposed many people to rabies after it was brought to a local school this month. Health officials are investigating and are trying to determine the actual number of people and other animals who may have been exposed to the...
What to do when an animal bites in New Jersey
The Disease Control and Prevention reports that, across the United States, 4.5 million people each year are bitten by dogs and 400,000 by cats. Cats and dogs are the only animals included in these statistics. Without a doubt there are many more cases of animal bites...
Animal bites: Dog at animal friendly restaurant bites toddler
Dogs can be unpredictable, and even some whose owners believe them to be docile can act out of character and show unexpected aggression. In most cases of animal bites in New Jersey, unrestrained dogs in public areas and their owners are the culprits. An...
Several animal bites reported in New Jersey lately
New Jersey never seems to be lacking in dog attack cases. Recently, a couple of residents in Nutley reported suffering animal bites while out walking around their neighborhoods. Police were called to investigate in both incidents.On June 17, a Park Avenue resident...
New Jersey animal bites: Woman awarded $850,000 in dog bite case
Tending a neighbor's animal while he or she is out of town or unable to for whatever the reason is something that many New Jersey residents are more than willing to do. What happens, though, if that animal attacks and injures its temporary care giver? Injuries from...
New Jersey animal bites: Several injured in pit bull attack
Law enforcement officials in New Jersey were contacted early in the day on March 21 after a pit bull attacked and injured five people. This happened at an apartment complex in Neptune. Per state laws regarding animal bites, the dog's owner may be held responsible for...
Infections often accompany animal bites
Numerous New Jersey residents have been attacked by domestic animals. Some of these attacks have only minimal impact on victims, while others have more severe -- if not fatal -- consequences. While there are many physical concerns following animal bites, one of the...
Following animal bites, compensation may be available
Anyone in New Jersey who has ever been attacked by a dog or other domestic animal knows that it can be a traumatizing event. Animal bites are known to cause a number of health and physical-related complications. These, of course, can result in one suffering...