A slip and fall accident can cause serious injuries to many areas of your body, including your head, neck and back. You could also suffer major injuries such as broken bones or fractures. As you prepare for another New Jersey winter, you may be worrying about a slip...
Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965
Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965
Back Injuries
Work-related pain could be a precursor to serious back injuries
Back injuries and pain are a big problem in many workplaces here in New Jersey and the rest of the nation. Even seemingly minor pain in the workplace can be an indicator that something worse lurks on the horizon.Many workers ignore back pain, attributing it to a...
An overview of thoracic spinal cord injuries
The thoracic spine is made up of 12 vertebrae, numbered from T-1 down to T-12, in the upper and middle part of the back. Connecting the spine in the neck to the spine in the lower back, it helps keep the body upright and stable. Injuries to the T-1 to T-12 nerves will...
An overview of cervical spine injuries
The cervical spine is the topmost portion of the spine and comprises seven vertebrae in the neck, which are designated C1 to C7. New Jersey residents should be aware that injuries to this area are the most severe.Injuries to the C1 to C4 spinal nerves can lead to...
Dog bites kill dozens of Americans every year
Imagine that you are running down the street one day as you try to keep in shape. Your runs are usually uninterrupted, allowing you to get healthy and find some peace after a stressful day. But this run is different. As you pass a yard that always has a dog in it, the...