There are any number of factors that can contribute to a large truck accident, but a few of them are of relatively recent origin and have not been studied in depth. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration conducted its last large-truck crash causation study...
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Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965
Truck Accidents
Top three causes of truck crashes, according to the LTCCS
In the early 2000s, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration analyzed nearly 1,000 large truck crashes involving injuries or fatalities. The findings were brought together in the 2007 Large Truck Crash...
How to prevent jackknife situations
New Jersey residents likely take comfort in the fact that sophisticated anti-jackknife technology has been developed and is being used to combat driver error. Unfortunately, not every driver of 18 wheelers or trucks that are towing trailers or boats has access to this...
Bill introduced that may require AEB on all commercial trucks
Truckers in New Jersey may have heard that a bill was introduced that could mandate automatic emergency braking on all commercial trucks. The bill, called the Safe Roads Act of 2019, is seen as providing a "common-sense solution" to the rising number of truck crashes...
Longer driving hours for truckers
New Jersey motorists may want to know that long-haul truck drivers may soon be allowed to drive longer without having to stop for a rest. The Department of Transportation has stated that it intends to relax the federal regulations that limit the number of hours truck...
Avoiding collisions with large trucks in New Jersey
According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the U.S. DoT, there were 3,986 large truck crash fatalities in 2016. Approximately 66 percent of the fatalities were passenger vehicle occupants compared to 17 percent who were truckers. One expert has said that...
Brake inspection blitz pulls almost 5,000 trucks from the road
In September, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance held its Brake Safety Week inspection blitz in New Jersey and across North America. The alliance reports that inspectors ended up pulling just over 14 percent of inspected trucks from service during the initiative....
Mass inspection places thousands of trucks out of commission
When drivers in New Jersey share the road with trucks and other large vehicles, there's a certain expectation of safety. This is because there are rules in place that govern how well-maintained trucks have to be and how long drivers should be on the road per shift. A...
Truck driver charged in New Jersey accident
The driver of a tractor-trailer ran into another car on Route 515 in Vernon at around 2:40 p.m. on Aug. 10. A 42-year-old woman was in her Chevrolet Tahoe at a traffic light when the truck hit her. Both she and the driver were seriously injured, but they have been...
The costs of distracted driving for truck drivers
In New Jersey and elsewhere, distracted driving is a major, dangerous problem. The problem only seems to be getting worse as more drivers have access to smartphones and in-vehicle technology, such as the internet and apps. While many drivers, including truck drivers,...