Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965

Photo of Craig R. Fishman
Photo of Craig R. Fishman

Tried And True Attorneys Standing Up For The Injured Since 1965

How to cope with PTSD after a serious car accident

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2024 | Car Accidents |

A serious car accident can negatively impact nearly every aspect of your life. When you read up on what to expect in the aftermath of one of these wrecks, you’ll see plenty about the physical harm and financial loss associated with your injuries. While these damages are certainly significant and can leave you uncertain about the future, there’s another aspect of your accident that shouldn’t be overlooked: your mental health.

A car accident can be a traumatic event. In fact, many accident victims end up developing post-traumatic stress disorder, a condition that presents with intrusive flashbacks of the event, nightmares, emotional distress, avoidance of places and people that remind the victim of the accident, mood swings, and changes to physical and emotional responses. This condition alone can reshape your life and disrupt your existing relationships. Those losses can be overwhelming.

What can you do to take care of your mental health after a car accident?

If you’ve been in a serious car accident, then you need to prioritize your mental health. There are several ways you can do that, including by doing the following:

  • Seeking mental health treatment: There’s no shame in seeking out the support and mental health treatment that you need. But it can be hard to identify when you need that help. After all, a lot of PTSD sufferers don’t recognize the changes that have come to them. That’s why it’s a good idea to seek out mental health guidance from a professional after your accident. One of these experts can help you identify signs of trauma and provide you with the skills you need to cope with your newfound condition.
  • Simplifying your life. When you’re trying to recover from your accident, there’s a lot to contend with. All the stress of your recovery can quickly become overwhelming, leaving you with even more pressure on your mental health. You might be able to minimize this feeling, though, by simplifying your life. For example, you can create an organizational system that makes it easier to remember things, that way you don’t have to put the additional stress of memorization on yourself. Cut out extra activities that feel like an obligation so that you have more time to focus on yourself.
  • Asking for help when you need it: You have family members and friends who are willing and able to lend you a helping hand when needed. Don’t be afraid to ask for the support that you need, even if it’s for something as simple as going to the grocery store for you or riding with you as you climb back behind the wheel.
  • Setting realistic goals: Your accident recovery could be more challenging and take longer than you expect. This can take a mental toll on you. But you can gain momentum in your recovery by setting realistic and achievable goals. If you set your sights too high, then you might find yourself overly frustrated, which can stall your mental health recovery.

Don’t undervalue closure after your car accident

There’s no doubt that you’re going to need compensation to pay for your accident recovery, especially given that your damages might be significant. While a personal injury lawsuit might help you alleviate your financial strain, it can also bring closure to a difficult time in your life. This fact alone can support your mental health recovery, giving you the opportunity to focus on what matters most to you.

So, if you’re ready to fight for the recovery you deserve, then now is the time to get to work gathering evidence and building your case.
