Premises Liability Claims In Camden County And South Jersey
After suffering an injury on a third party’s property, you may be entitled to recover compensation from the premises’ owner. However, it is vital to have the legal counsel of an experienced personal injury attorney. Personal injury cases also rely heavily on evidence and facts, and those elements might make it challenging to prove your situation without the experienced assistance of a lawyer.
Since the foundation of Fishman & Fishman, LLC, in South Jersey, our legal professionals have dedicated their efforts to fight for the fair compensation clients deserve. When it comes to premises liability, the priority is to determine the liable party who should compensate you after an injury. To do so, we engage in a thorough investigation and analysis of your accident, so we can discuss your options. Common accidents due to premises liability include slip-and-falls, dog bites and others.
It Is Important To Act Quickly
If your injury was the result of poor maintenance on private or commercial property, chances are the property owner is going to quickly attempt to correct the situation and destroy any evidence of negligence. If you contact an attorney who has experience in premises liability immediately after your injury, your chances of a successful investigation are much greater. Our attorneys will investigate your case, preserve any evidence and record your experience while it is still fresh in your memory.
At Fishman & Fishman, LLC, we can represent clients who have sustained injuries due to many types of unsafe conditions:
- Snow and ice
- Lack of security or lighting
- Broken steps
- Unsafe stairwells
- Slip- or trip-and-falls
- Accidents on commercial properties
- Wet floors
- Poor maintenance
If you have been hurt on public property, you must file a claim within 90 days or forfeit your right to be compensated. Whether your injury occurred on state, city, county or public school property, you may be entitled to substantial compensation for your injury. You must act quickly, especially when the property is owned or maintained by a government entity.
Contact Us For A Free Consultation
Call toll free at 888-339-7675 to contact our trusted Camden County lawyers at Fishman & Fishman for a free initial consultation regarding your personal injury case. You can also contact us online.