As we often say on this blog, accidents can happen in any type of workplace, but workplace accidents are more likely to lead to serious injury in certain industries than they are in others.
Statistics from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics also show that serious accidents appear to be more common in certain states. Our state, New Jersey, appears to have higher rates of serious accidents than the national average.
75,800 reported accidents
According to the BLS, there were 75,800 reported nonfatal workplace accidents in New Jersey in 2020. Judging this number against the total number of workers, this means there were 2.9 reported workplace injuries that year per 100 full-time equivalent workers. The national average that year was 2.7, and researchers categorized the 0.2% difference as significant.
In the aftermath of these accidents, more than 54,000 New Jersey workers missing days from work, requiring a job transfer or needing a restriction of their duties. This translates to 2.1% of New Jersey full-time workers. The 2.1% rate was significantly higher than the national average of 1.7%.
Help for injured workers
The New Jersey workers’ compensation system provides benefits for workers who have been injured on the job. It can pay for medical care and provide an income for people who are unable to work for extended periods.
Unfortunately, as many injured workers can attest, the system doesn’t always work as smoothly as it should. Sometimes, insurance companies refuse to honor claims, or provide much less in benefits than an injured worker needs and deserves. When this happens, injured workers and their families can benefit from the help of an attorney with experience in workers’ compensation law.