Injured workers in New Jersey can file a workers’ compensation claim and, if successful, receive a guarantee of financial coverage. This can come in the form of medical bill coverage, the restoration of past and future lost wages and death benefits to the family of a fatally injured worker. In return for this coverage, workers or their family must waive the right to sue the employer.
The following are just some of the most common types of workplace injuries. Elevated surfaces, slippery floors and the presence of debris at the work site are all potential factors in fall injuries. The severity of fall injuries can range from broken bones to head trauma. Workers who engage in a lot of manual lifting run the risk for muscle injuries.
Defective equipment is another factor in many claims. Some equipment can cut or crush parts of a worker’s body, while electrical equipment could pose a fire hazard. Others can leak deadly gases. Many factories expose workers to a higher risk for developing respiratory or other long-term medical illnesses. Entire professions, like coal mining and firefighting, are open to the same danger.
Office work can lead to repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome as well as an increased risk for muscle and bone degeneration. Many areas compensate for mental conditions stemming from workplace stress.
Those who wish to file a workers’ compensation claim must do so within two years of the accident. Those who receive medical treatment or disability benefits authorized by the employer must file within two years of the last treatment or disability payment. Whatever the situation, they might want to hire a lawyer. Claims may be denied, but a lawyer might be able to assist with the filing of an appeal. As a last resort, the lawyer and the victim may opt to take the case to court.