A worker was air-lifted to a hospital by helicopter after a section of a wall that he had been dismantling fell on him. The accident took place on a recent Tuesday morning in December in a warehouse located in another state. When similar construction accidents occur in New Jersey, the worker is typically entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim for benefits.
At around 7:40 a.m., the worker was standing on a scissor lift while he was working on the renovation of a warehouse. The lift had been raised several feet for the 36-year-old man to perform his work, which involved dismantling a cinder block wall. While taking apart the wall, a large part of it collapsed and fell over, according to a fire official. Around 15 blocks — which were estimated to have weighed hundreds of pounds — fell on the worker.
The lift was lowered and that portion of the collapsed wall was removed by the time rescuers arrived at the scene. The man was still on the lift and was conscious. He was taken by helicopter to a local medical center in Boston, but his condition has yet to be released.
While the Occupational Safety and Health Administration conducts an investigation, the worker might be faced with the prospect of being out of work and paying extensive medical bills. Fortunately, when workers are victims of construction accidents, whether in New Jersey or another state, they are entitled to file for workers’ compensation benefits. The benefits awarded help to lessen some of the financial setbacks that individuals often incur as a result of similar accidents. When an accident like this occurs, workers typically choose to enlist the help of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer for ongoing assistance with the claims process.
Source: The Boston Globe, “Concrete slab falls on man at Stoughton construction site“, Sarah Roberts Globe, Dec. 22, 2015