Workers’ compensation benefits are critical for those who have been injured on the job, as anyone who has experienced such injury can tell you. Of course, in filing a claim, an injured worker’s aim is to obtain the benefits to which they are entitled. Unfortunately, obtaining adequate benefits isn’t always a given. Sometimes issues come up and it becomes important to have legal guidance.
In some cases, difficulties in obtaining workers’ compensation benefits come from the insurance carrier. In other cases, difficulties come from one’s employer. One reason an employer might put up barriers to an injured employee receiving benefits is that it could result in higher insurance premiums for them.
Employers know that it is in their best financial interests to reduce workers’ compensation costs. Some of the means of doing so are legitimate and beneficial to employees, such as establishing safety programs aimed at preventing workplace accidents and making sure that injured employers receive prompt treatment from qualified medical providers.
Monitoring workplace conditions and work processes to ensure an appropriate degree of safety can play an important reducing workers’ compensation costs. In some cases, insurance companies even offer policyholders free advice on how to prevent workplace accidents, which can be beneficial for employers. In addition, ensuring that an injured employee receives swift medical treatment can allow for a quicker healing period, which is a positive thing for both the employer and the employee.
In our next post, we’ll continue this discussion, pointing out some of the things injured employees should watch out for when it comes to seeking workers’ compensation benefits.