The Assistance You Need In Filing A Workers’ Comp Claim
If you have been injured in a work accident or have developed an injury related to your job, you are almost certainly qualified to receive some form of workers’ compensation benefits to cover your lost wages and medical expenses.
Should be simple, right? Unfortunately, not always.
Many claims are denied, and many injured workers find themselves frustrated in dealing with a process that was not designed to be efficient or simple for injured workers. At Fishman & Fishman, LLC, we can take the worry and confusion out of filing your workers’ compensation claim. Our attorneys represent injured workers in Cherry Hill, Camden and throughout southern New Jersey.
Why Hire A Lawyer?
You are not required to have a lawyer to file a workers’ compensation claim. But it is prudent to do so in order to have someone watching out for your rights and your best interests. Trust us, the insurance companies will have plenty of lawyers ready to go to bat for them, and you may need legal intervention if your claim is denied, your benefits are terminated or the insurer refuses to authorize needed medical care.
What Else Do You Need To Do?
The first thing to do after you are injured is to notify your boss so he or she can begin setting up a claim for you to see an authorized doctor. It is not acceptable for your employer to pressure you into using your own health insurance. (That serves the employer’s interest, not yours.) You should report the injury in a timely manner and follow up with medical treatment until you are cleared to return to work. Any delay in reporting your injury or any interruption of treatment can be used to deny or downplay your benefits.
Our South Jersey Attorneys Protect Your Rights
If you were injured at work, it does not matter whose fault the accident was. You are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, even if your own negligence contributed in some way.
Call Fishman & Fishman toll-free at 888-339-7675 to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable workers’ comp attorney. Or contact us online to tell us about your case and schedule your free consultation at our office locations in Lawnside (Camden County) or Hammonton (Atlantic County).